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Sledge run

Salvan - Les Marécottes

Treat yourself to a six-kilometre sledge run that drops 680 metres!

After hiring your sledges from Fleutry Sports, which is located near the cable car station, take the cable car up to La Creusaz. Gloves, hats and glasses are all your need to experience the thrills of a sledge run!

At this starting point, you will also find the La Creusaz restaurant. Just jump on your sledges to experience the pleasure of yesteryear . You will find it is still as good as it was!  A family-friendly descent that winds through the forest will keep your family spirits high. This is the opportunity to share good fun! Practice your sledging skills from the first bends, as you glide down through the forest and to the village of Les Marécottes, back to the start of your journey, at the cable car station.

Let’s do it again!

practical informations

Live conditions Sled rental at Fleutry Sports

Technical information

  • Distance 6 km
  • Negative elevation 680 m
  • Highest point 1'777 m


Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.11132565729797, 7.006316184997559

Environment :